Five Hopes and Intentions for 2023

five hopes and intentions for 2023

In this post I”ll be sharing my hopes and intentions for 2023. As many of you know we are expecting our second child mid to late February, potentially early March. With this in mind, I am using these next six weeks or so to really prepare my blog, my heart, my home, and my family for this arrival.

I feel like in the last year I did some big things that have been outside my comfort zone (like launching this blog!) and pushed myself to make my blog a constant in my life. I thrive in routine and have settled into a pretty good one. Looking into this new year, I know that will be rocked a little bit in one of the best ways possible.

Being the homemaker and main caretaker, I really want to simplify my home, nourish my family well, and continue to challenge myself to be creative because it makes me a better wife + mom. I could say more but I’ll leave it there. lol

All that being said here are my Five Hopes and Intentions for 2023.

1. To Declutter My Whole House (before baby comes!)

sewing stash

I feel like this past year has really been a learning lesson for me when it comes to consumption and being a consumer in general. While I love thrifting and finding good deals I also have a desire to have a simplified home. I mean its just easier to organize and clean up if you have fewer things.

So one of my main hopes and intentions is to declutter my entire house before the arrival of baby number two! I found this awesome resource on YouTube.

2. Pro-Metabolic Deep Dive

pro-metabolic eating

I obviously have a deep interest in the pro-metabolic style of nutrition and prioritizing proper nourishment. While a lot of this past year has been filled with sipping adrenal cocktails and following general guidelines of ancestral eating, I really want to deepen my understanding. Not just for me but for my family as well.

If you have no idea what this is I’d suggest starting here.

3. Share Two Blog Posts Per Week

Sharing two blog posts has actually been an easier task than I anticipated. November and December I toyed with the idea and actually did a few bonus blog posts. This seems like a doable task at the moment but we will see once baby comes…

I also love hearing from you! So if ever you want something to come to the blog, I love suggestions!

4. Get Outside As Much As Possible

hopes and intentions for 2023

Pretty straight forward right?! The more I can get me and my family outside this year the better! Taking daily walks is the main intention as I want to prioritize movement and anytime we can spend outside that happier we all are.

For me personally, I am more creative, I have more energy, and honestly just have a better outlook on life when I am able to get outside.

5. Make First, Thrift Second, Buy Third

This maybe the most challenging intention but hear me out. When it comes to clothes and other miscellaneous items I really want to stretch myself and make as much of it as possible. I want to learn how to make garments for myself, and my children… maybe even my husband. I also really want to invest time into my sewing skills. With this intention I am forced to get creative. (Which is what I need!)

Well there you have it, my five intentions for the year. While I still plan on sharing my home and DIY’s, I also have a deep desire to learn some self sufficiency, grow a garden, and rely less on the supply chain. If I can take that time and money and invest it into my own skill, I’m willing to try it! I will let you know how this all goes. 🙂

Any Intentions you are setting in 2023? Any that I shared that surprised you? Leave a comment!

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