A Simple Container Garden

a simple container garden

Sharing the simple container garden I’m attempting this year.

Gardening is something that I have not had much success with in the past. My very first attempt at gardening did not go well. I was overly ambitious, impatient, and didn’t not keep up with the weeds. The following year I didn’t even try.

container garden

This year we are trying a simple container garden. With a couple elevated planter boxes from Menards (thanks @digdrivediy one of my husband’s favorite YouTubers) and two pots from our front porch.

The Menards planters have a water gauge which lets you know if the plants are being overwatered which is cool. One arrived cracked so my husband glued it together so they aren’t super high quality but if I am able to make them work for a season or two I think it would be worth the money. Plus I’ll learn more about gardening if I actually try to garden.

container garden

I had a friend comment that having a container garden is the perfect middle ground for us and I couldn’t agree more. Planting in containers will mean less weeds, limited space, and it will be the perfect little garden experiment.

I had every intention of starting my seeds indoors and even attempted some but I forgot to water them and didn’t have access to sun light. So the containers are now seeded and now we wait for some baby plants to come up!

container garden

I have on container with just cherry tomatoes. the next planter is cucumbers, carrots, and cantaloupe. The last two containers are jalapeños in one and peppers in the other.

I’m excited to try my hand at container gardening. Here’s to hoping the summer is fruitful!

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