We are in the market for a new couch, The one we had could not fit through our front door let alone the beautiful archways, So we (as in me) are looking into a few options when it comes to couches.
The Criteria
- Needs to fit through the front door
- Easy to clean
- Comfortable
- Less than $1000
Shouldn’t be too hard right?

Now if this was left up to my husband we would have a Lane Menards couch (above) sitting in our living room right now. (I’m not convinced it would fit through the door but also we can do better!)
I knew we needed a couch when I went to IKEA a few weekends ago so I did a little research (and by research I mean I sat on almost every one!) There were some that were extremely comfortable and some that were not. Aside from the comfort factor I was really looking at which styles I liked the most.
Ikea Stockholm Sofa

Stockholm Sofa price $2,499. Dreamy but out of our price range plus I think having a chaise would be nice. Also might not fit through the door.
Linanas Sofa

The Linens Sofa is $449, I like the legs and and the modern look. Might be too small for my husband.
With the things to get on my Ikea trip I kept these two in my memory bank.
Then last week I remembered one of my friends on Instagram got a modular sofa not too long ago. So I messaged her for the company name and how she was liking it. She gave it a great review and for now it is at the top of my list for couches.
The company is Home Reserve.

Not only are the couches made in the USA they have pet friendly fabrics, you can do a trial, and they have storage underneath the cushions. (a small homes dream!) Couches and sofa start at $889 and the sectionals are $1204.
This is where the search is now. I am planning on ordering swatches but am going to wait until after this weekend. Do you like modular couches?